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Tiracon 6v

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Quite a surprise after powering up. Quite convincing analog sound (although at the same time flat and nasaly). Nice, growling, whistling, evil vintage filter. Quite a number of options, just to mention things like; sequencer, 2 multiple stage envelopes, 3 LFOs (for VCO, LPF and PWM) with 4 shapes, Pitch mod by envelope, Highpass Filter with resonance, MIDI interface, TAPE interface, heavy wooden side panels and Korg-like joystick (and Korg Poly61-like overall sound). This 14-kilogram specimen of East Germany vintage synth history, a chapter that is now closed forever, is the only one we have. It definitely doesn't live up to Roland or Korg standards, but at least it exists, and can be enjoyed for real cheap. Of course it all depends on which models we compare it to - I'd choose the Tiracon over a Korg Poly-800 without a moment of hesitation.

Calkiem spora niespodzianka po odpaleniu. Dosyc przekonujace analogowe brzmienie (ale mimo wszystko nazbyt plaskie). Mruczacy, swiszczacy, ponury klasyczny filtr. Calkiem sporo opcji, jak chociazby: sekwencer, 2 obwiednie z edycja czasu i poziomu, 3 LFO (dla VCO, LPF i PWM) z 4 ksztaltami, mozliwosc wplywania na Pitch poprzez obwiednie, filtr Highpass z rezonansem, interfejs MIDI, interfejs TAPE, ciezkie panele boczne z drewna, joystick a la Korg (i ogolne brzmienie a la Korg Poly-61). Ten 14-kilogramowy okaz to jedyny przedstawiciel instrumentow elektronicznych z zamknietego juz rozdzialu historii Republiki NRD. Na pewno nie dorasta do standardow Rolanda czy Korga, ale przynajmniej w ogole istnieje, i mozna sie nim cieszyc za tanioche.



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