So the
Novation company turns out to be a cool company again. They give us small
products with big possibilities and good sound. The B-S sounds virtually
identical to MC202 / SH101 / SH09 and I think is the most successful
attempt of all virtual analogs to actually sound analog. Wait a
minute... Bass-Station is not a VA... it actually is an analog
This unit has Pitch / CV so
instead of foolishly spending that amount of money on a converter, you can buy the bass
station and have the synthesizer as a free bonus.
Tak wiec firma Novation znowu pokazala sie od dobrej strony. Daje nam
produkty male, ale z duzymi mozliwosciami i dobrym brzmieniem. B-S nie
sposob odroznic od MC202 / SH101 / SH09 i wydaje mi sie, ze najlepiej
spelnia role "imitacji analogowosci" sposrod wszystkich VA.
Ten unit ma Pitch/CV, wiec zamiast glupio wydawac kase na takowy konwerter,
kupujesz w tej cenie bass station i syntezator masz jako gratisowy bonus. A
kaske mozna pokazowo spalic na imprezce aby podbudowac swoj prestiz.